Family Life

Chair - Joan Brady, Social Coordinator -  601-310-2231

Baptism  - Contact Shannon Bennett at the Parish Office (601-583-9404) or click to email.

Nursery - Nursery available for children ages 6months - 4 years during 10:30am Sunday mass in the Parish Life Center. Nursery may be available during other Parish events. Contact Phyllis Lee at 601-325-3690 or click to email for details.

Parent Morning Out Program - For ages 2years old - 4years old. Meets Tuesday/Thursday mornings from 8am-12pm. during the school year. Contact Candace Barquero (Program Director) for information about registration and space in the program.  Candace Barquero at 601-408-0299.  

MOMS Group (Ministry.Of.Mothers.Sharing) - Mothers meet on the 2nd and 4th Friday in the Parish Life Center from 10am-12pm (nursery provided)  Mothers come together for fellowship and faith sharing as well as service projects throughout the year.  Coordinator: Katie Murphy

Marriage Preparation - Contact the church FIRST - 601-583-9404 , and then our wedding coordinator Candace Barquero (601-408-0299).

Senior Adults - Contact Joan Brady (Social Coordinator) to help with the Senior Luncheon (3rd Tuesday of the month except June/July)or to get more information about the Senior Luncheon.

Homebound/Hospital Ministry - Contact Libby Simmerman

Bereavement - Margo Lipka 601-818-6567 or click to email.

  • The bereavement committee has 4 committee members plus 64 volunteers. The provide support to the families of the deceased by attending the funeral mass, providing a meal for the family and their family in the Parish Life Center or in their homes; making home visits if needed; and sending reading material to provide comfort to the family.

Event Planning/ Social Coordinating - Joan Brady (601-310-2231) - Please contact Joan to get involved in any of the above mentioned ministries of the church as well as any of the Family Life events listed below. Many of these events need volunteers to help with set up and clean up as well as making dishes for receptions and providing additional support to the staff as needed. This area is open to all who want to help in any way.

- Senior Luncheons

- World Marriage Day Celebration (February)

- Easter Vigil Reception for RCIA Candidates

- Confirmation Reception

- First Communion Reception

- Any other receptions that may come up throughout the year