
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process for exploring the Catholic Faith and incorporating those who may decide to become Catholic. The RCIA is marked by stages of growth and development based on the Sunday Scripture Readings which help persons become disciples of Jesus Christ. Their journey of faith is one shared by our community through the liturgical rites. The Rite of Election celebrates their intention to join our community. The Rite of Election or Enrollment celebrates their will to receive the sacraments. During Lent, we celebrate the scrutinies, which is a time of reflection intensely focused on conversion and final preparation for receiving the sacraments of initiation. The community joins them in prayer as we too are preparing ourselves to celebrate the Pascal mysteries. Tired and hungry, we approach the greatest of vigils on Holy Saturday Night full of hope and anticipation. The sacraments of initiation bring great joy and all are united in our baptismal promises as one community of many who trusts in Gods plan of salvation.